Subscribe to My Email List

by | May 14, 2020 | General | 0 comments

Lately, I have been pretty active on my website. I guess, I have a lot to say and I am pretty much stuck at home so why not.

Some of my posts are more important than others and therefore sometimes I send out an email when I think I have something important to say. For example, if I do an interview, publish a new book, or find a new investment idea, I might send out an email about it. So if you want to receive such emails, sign up to my email list. The sign up is to the right.

I am not going to sell your email address or send you stupid stuff. I mean if you find these emails stupid, then you can always email me back saying “Hey dude. Take me off. I don’t want to hear from you ever again.”

When it comes to the website, if you want to get updated every time I post something, you have to RSS because I am not going to spam you every time I feel like posting.

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About Mariusz Skonieczny

Mariusz Skonieczny is the founder of Classic Value Investors.